Thursday 4 March 2021

Ancient carriage found in pompiee

Today we have read an article about Pompeii. They found this carriage in the photo.  The archaeologists were taking off the volcano ash  from all of the artefacts and it took them over 300 years to pull it all off.

The big question was should artefacts be relocated or remain where they are found? 

i think that it would be safer in the museum because if there was another volcano it would get burnt and if it didn't get moved it would get covered again 

Archeologists find intact ceremonial chariot near Pompeii


  1. Its Emily from your class. Great job Skyla next time add more capital letters and full stops to your writing and more describing words. The good things about it is that it shows heaps of information in not that much writing.

  2. Hey Skyla, my name is Carlos and I am in Year 8 at Otaki College. This is amazing work I think that it should be put in the museum to so it could be safe and people can see it.
    from Carlos.


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