Wednesday 6 May 2020

Day of the Dead Comprehension

Day of the Dead Comprehension Questions

Answer the questions below. Try and add the question into your answer.

1. What is Day of the Dead?
The day of the dead is a celebration of loved ones that have passed.
2. When is Day of the Dead celebrated?
On October 31st the dead children are celebrated and on November 1st the adults are celebrated.
3. Where does the Day of the Dead festivity originate from?
It began in Mexico well before the Europeans colonised in their country. Some scholars believe that the celebration is 2,500 - 3,000 years old.
4. Who is the 'Lady of the Dead'?
The focus of an old aztec festival celebrated on the ninth month of the aztec calendar.
5. Name three things that people do on Day of the Dead.
They clean and decorate the graves and tombs of their loved ones, they will often hold a picnic to celebrate including bottles of Tequila for the adults and candies and toys that the children loved and also telling anecdotes about their deceased family members.
6. What is an ofrenda?
A small shrine that may have christian crosses or pictures and sculptures of the Virgin Mary on them.
7. What is papel picado and how is it used?
It is perforated paper that is used to decorate the altars in homes.
8. What is Finados?
When you translate Finados to english it means ‘dead’.
9. Where does the celebration of Halloween come from?
The word “Halloween” came from “All Hallows’ Eve” and the “trick or treat” phenomenon came from people dressing up as saints and going door to door.
10. What other festivities are there that remember the dead? Name two.

There is “All Hallows’ Eve” and also “All Saints Day”.

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