Thursday 21 May 2020

Titanic Questions

Please answer all questions in full sentences. Try to include the question in your answer.

  1. Where was the Titanic sailing from?
New York city
  1. How many watertight compartments were there?
The Titanic had 16 watertight compartments,
  1. What was the purpose of the propellers?
To drive the ship
  1. Why did the ship have a funnel which didn’t work?
Titanic's fourth funnel was capped off because there wasn't any need for it to be open
  1. Can you explain why a second class passenger would have been impressed with their facilities?
Second-class offered passengers a spacious library/area, smoking room, outdoor promenade, and dining room. There was also a barber shop off the main staircase on E-Deck and a Purser's Office where passengers could store their valuables.
  1. Why do you think Captain Smith was in a rush?
He was in a rush because he only had and hour to get everyone off the ship before it sunk
  1. Which facts show that the boat’s construction could have been improved?
Boats have been used as a form of transportation for over 40,000 years

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